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What does sustainability mean?

A key issue facing social housing landlords today is how to improve the quality of existing housing stock in a way that is environmentally, socially, and economically viable and sustainable.

Energy efficiency and zero net carbon criteria are (as they should be) at the heart of any sustainability agenda and social housing professionals are fully engaged in innovative responses to environmental responsibility, whether it be for new build projects or on-going property maintenance.

With a mature understanding of environmental agendas, organisations are aware of how the sustainability agenda impacts the way in which they perceive the performance of their social housing, but does the current approach fully address social/strategic and economic aspects of sustainability?

To date it has been difficult to see sustainability as a joined up environmental, social and economic agenda and they tend to be managed as isolated agendas. The meaning of sustainability can be unclear and undefined within single organisations as well as across the sector, reducing its impact. This may well be because of the vast range of criteria that would need to be considered and assessed holistically.

Most critically, how can all these criteria be integrated into a decision-support model that is robust and defendable?


Taking a multi-criterion approach

Two expert solutions - combined

Our solution is unique.

Working with our energy expert partners SAVA, we offer an integrated combination of two immensely powerful, best of breed specialist business intelligence products which enable our clients to take a holistic approach to sustainability modelling, that fully addresses environmental, social & strategic, and economic factors.

Delivering self-serve asset value rationalisation and option appraisal, with energy and commercial sustainability modelling.

Key to demonstrating sound custodianship and intelligent investment decision making with demonstrable commitment to social and environmental factors.


  • Financial value calculation (NPV) from detailed asset level forecasts

  • Strategic value methodology and modelling down to asset level

  • Analyse energy data simply, to detailed levels

  • Robust financial and strategic evaluation for investment/divestment decisions

  • Model New build, Rent Change, Refurbishment, and other scenarios

  • Harvests information to determine holistic values and their drivers

  • Easy to use, commercially proven solution that simplifies the complex

  • Helps turn insights into action and help speed up decision-making

  • Offers a consistent methodology and framework for future appraisals


Contact us now to learn more:

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